Today’s straitened times call for some seriously smart shopping, and in the current issue of Vogue Emily Sheffield considers whether post-recession we have indeed become savvier shoppers.
We certainly no longer need a closet full of clothes to look up to date. With a little creative thinking we can simply style ourselves into a new season, adding only those pieces without wear by dates that complement and enhance our own unique way of dressing.
So, with this mantra in mind here are my top five tips for smart shopping…
Make a list…
Before you leave the house think about what you really want or need. By far the best preparation for a shopping trip is a wardrobe edit. This will help you easily identify which items you are missing, and pinpoint those new season pieces that are truly worthy of your investment.
Do your homework…
Expense doesn’t always equal success, and when budgets are stretched it pays to do your research. Think a little bit more about what you buy and demand a little bit more from where you buy it.
Avoid impulse buys…
Take your time. Items purchased on a whim, especially at the sales, often go unworn and unwanted. Shop with your long term wardrobe in mind rather than for a quick fashion fix.
Fall in love…
Invest only in those pieces that excite you, and which you will truly cherish. And don’t save them for ‘best’. Wear them now!
And finally…
Shop your closet! Breathe new life into your wardrobe by playing with pieces you already own. Even the smallest change can alter the overall look of an outfit and bring it bang up to date.
To learn more about Julie Hurst please click here.